comic search terms: Hot skies and cold nights, Part 30 of 31
comic dialog: A number one, suuuper long time, now... more talky, less walky!
Panel 1
Jacob: Wow. So Skree is this little guys's name?
Kiz el Bop: Yup. That's 'bout right.
Jacob: So, if it wasn't you, then what happened to my friends?
Panel 2
Kiz el Bop: If I done know'n me pup, which I reckon I do, then he was probally jus' try'n tah play fetch.
Panel 3
Jacob: Fetch? But wouldn't that require me throwing something and him bringing it back?
Panel 4
Kiz el Bop: What kinda back water fetch do you done play? Fetch is when they's done hide someth'n 'n you's got tah go find it. Now go gets your toys, boy.
Panel 5
Kiz el Bop: 'n now we jus' gone done follow along Cassidy, so come on down.
Panel 6
Jacob: You sure your translator's working alright?
Panel 7
Sound effect: tap tap tap
Panel 8
Kiz el Bop: Oh siiiii senior! The mouth box have many happy ending. We be in tip top shape, looong time.
Jacob: *sigh*
Only one left Gary
I'm so close to done, I can almost taste it. Just a reminder, this Friday is the last day to vote on the Halloween entries. If you haven't checked them out, you should. There are some really good ones.